Thursday, July 23, 2009

15 Reasons To Vote NO On August 5, 2009

1. A VERY SMALL minority of owners could make major changes to Fountain Court Condos. All it would take is 15 owners to make some of the following changes... not even a normal majority of the owners which would be 48. Why only 15? The proposed changes would only need 30% of the owners at future Owners Meetings to establish a quorum (now it takes 50%) and then they would only need a simple majority vote of the owners present at the meeting to make substantial changes to the Condo Documents. 30% of 94 is 28.2. A simple majority of 28.2 would be 15... so if this passes, only 15 owners could make substantial changes that affect the remaining 79 owners.

2. 15 non-smokers could vote to make Fountain Court Condos a NON-SMOKING facility where smokers would not even be able to smoke inside their own homes. Yes, this was recently done at another condo complex and now the owners who smoke are forced to stand out in the weather just like they have to do at office buildings.

3. 15 Senior Citizen Owners could vote to make Fountain Court Condos a senior living complex making it illegal for folks under 55 to live in Fountain Court Condos.

4. 15 Swinging Single Owners could vote to make Fountain Court Condos a "swinging singles" complex where people over 40 would not be allowed, married couples would not be allowed, children would not be allowed, the swimming pool and courtyard would be clothing optional.

5. 15 Pet owners could vote to make it mandatory that ALL owners have either a cat or dog.

6. 15 Pet haters could vote to make it illegal to own a pet at Fountain Court Condos.

7. 15 Rich owners could vote to make Fountain Court Condos an upscale community requiring ALL owners and visitors to drive Mercedes-Benz, BMW's, Lexus', etc., raise the condo dues to $500.00 a month or more, etc.

8. 15 Poor owners could vote to make Fountain Court Condos a government assisted living complex where only people on Social Security, Welfare, Section 8, etc., could live at Fountain Court and no cars would be allowed and the parking lots would be converted to playgrounds for all of the kids.

9. 15

10. 15

11. 15

12. 15

13. 15

14. 15

15. 15

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